

As hotels and hospitality venues make their way to the "new normal", hospitality owners have the responsibility to make sure their guests are protected from COVID-19 and other pathogens. In addition to more satisfied guests, keeping their staff and customers safe ensures there are no temporary closures in their future.

Air quality in hotels

Airborne disease and pathogens are a hot topic as guests return to overnight travel. The hotel industry has a particularly high bar to meet when it comes to the overall guest experience as guests from all backgrounds inhabit their space simultaneously. In addition, with many hotels turning into lifestyle centers, the increasing number of guests only increases the potential spread of disease and inability to social distance. With illumiPure's suite of solutions, you can ensure all your guests are breathing easy with Air Guardian, and that your common surfaces are kept sanitary with CleanWhite. Plus, get the added benefit of more positive reviews as your guests rave about how clean your establishment smells.

Hotel carpets

can release VOCs into the air

HVAC systems

can contribute to infectiousdisease transmission

Air quality in restaurants

Restaurants are one of the most common gathering places for unrelated guests. Unfortunately, this also means they are a primary location for disease transfer. By adding the illumiPure suite of products to your restaurant, you can ensure all your guests get fresh clean air in the front of your house with Air Guardian, and your back-of-house surfaces remain pristine with CleanWhite™.

Many restaurants

aren't designed for high air exchange rates

Unvented or malfunctioning

appliances can release higherlevels of pollutants

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Contact for Clean Air

MedSource GmbH
Hünenbergerstrasse 49B
6330 Cham